Trail 4 (8th St. Motorcycle Trail)
Biking, Hiking
Dogs Friendly?
5.8 mimiles
Last Report
Trail is mostly dry but has a few snow patches here and there. Ride or walk though any snow patches — don't widen the trail by going around them.
Trail 4 isn’t your cute, cuddly, user-friendly singletrack. If most of the Camelsback trails are your grandma’s iced tea, Trail 4 is your crazy uncle’s FDA-unapproved energy drink. It’s a loose, steep landslide all the way from the valley to the ridge. Trail 4 is one of the few foothills trails open to motorcycles, and it shows. The trail is in a constant state of change, as the dirt and sand shifts, hardens, and shifts again. If you know what you’re getting into, Trail 4 is a great descent. One notable section, called Devil’s Slide, includes a fun cascade of rocks and sand. Don’t climb Trail 4 on a bike unless you’re a lunatic sadist.
Recent Trail Reports
April 27, 2020 at 5:22 pmOfficially snow-free 4/20 blazeit
April 5, 2020 at 7:25 amUpper Trail 4 is deep snow covered and starting to melt, there are muddy spots.
March 5, 2020 at 8:26 amThe bottom of trail 4 between sidewinder and lower Hulls had several muddy spots and some puddles.
January 27, 2019 at 5:28 pmDeep snow, light snow, mud, standing water. This trail has it all.
January 6, 2019 at 7:37 pmThe upper section to the intersection with Fat Tire had deep snow yesterday. From Sidewinder to Sunset Peak Rd, it there was more ice or packed snow.
August 30, 2018 at 7:50 amTrail 4 is a motorcycle trail. It has deep loose ruts due to motorcycles gunning it on the climbs. I am not sure why anyone would want to ride this trail on a mountain bike as there are plenty of really nice mountain bike trails that go up to the ridge. Sweet Connie connects all the way up to Boise for instance. Hard guy, Dry Creek, Scott's, Five Mile, Orchard Gulch trails also go up to the ridge.
April 10, 2018 at 8:24 amA few puddles, but otherwise all clear
Officially snow-free 4/20 blazeit
Upper Trail 4 is deep snow covered and starting to melt, there are muddy spots.
The bottom of trail 4 between sidewinder and lower Hulls had several muddy spots and some puddles.
Deep snow, light snow, mud, standing water. This trail has it all.
The upper section to the intersection with Fat Tire had deep snow yesterday. From Sidewinder to Sunset Peak Rd, it there was more ice or packed snow.
Trail 4 is a motorcycle trail. It has deep loose ruts due to motorcycles gunning it on the climbs. I am not sure why anyone would want to ride this trail on a mountain bike as there are plenty of really nice mountain bike trails that go up to the ridge. Sweet Connie connects all the way up to Boise for instance. Hard guy, Dry Creek,
Scott’s, Five Mile, Orchard Gulch trails also go up to the ridge.
A few puddles, but otherwise all clear
From Hulls to the moto lot is good. From Hulls to Sidewinder is icy, snowy and muddy. Above Sidewinder is still not good, I’m sure.
From 4A down to the second intersection with 6 was dry and clear of snow and ice. Kinda loose, but that is Trail 4…