Chukar Butte
Biking, Hiking
Dogs Friendly?
4.1 mimiles
Adopted by Ridge to Rivers in 2016, this trail has added welcome variety and reach to Boise’s trail system. The eastern portion of the Chukar Butte trail is notable for its abundant lava rocks–which contrast with Boise’s normally smooth trails–and its landmarks, including a unique and bucolic “frog pond.” The western section of the trail is flowy, pumpy new-school singletrack that makes a great climb or descent.
Recent Trail Reports
June 20, 2020 at 6:40 amDecimated by cow/rain combo between the pond and Connie. Other half was in okay shape for the most part
April 20, 2020 at 2:46 pmRode it yesterday and it was fantastic. Did Peggy's to Chukar and it was so smooth.
April 3, 2020 at 8:41 amClear up to the pond last night then started to get a little soft up higher. Bottom section is ripping and new connector down to hidden springs trailhead is now open and riding well!
May 10, 2019 at 10:20 pmRode it tonight and a couple of spots close to the junction and one at the front pond but very good.
April 26, 2019 at 9:30 amRiding from hidden springs, the trail is 95%. Short, almost dry, section just before the pond where the cattle have postholed 50 ft of trail. Couple puddles near junction of Connie but no longer a swampy mess.
April 1, 2019 at 9:19 amGetting really close. The flowy stuff by Hidden Springs is straight money, homie.
February 1, 2019 at 1:22 pmMuddy on north facing aspects. Lots of prints and tracks from folks using the trails when they shouldn't. Only ride when frozen!
Decimated by cow/rain combo between the pond and Connie. Other half was in okay shape for the most part
Rode it yesterday and it was fantastic. Did Peggy’s to Chukar and it was so smooth.
Clear up to the pond last night then started to get a little soft up higher. Bottom section is ripping and new connector down to hidden springs trailhead is now open and riding well!
Rode it tonight and a couple of spots close to the junction and one at the front pond but very good.
Riding from hidden springs, the trail is 95%. Short, almost dry, section just before the pond where the cattle have postholed 50 ft of trail. Couple puddles near junction of Connie but no longer a swampy mess.
Getting really close. The flowy stuff by Hidden Springs is straight money, homie.
Muddy on north facing aspects. Lots of prints and tracks from folks using the trails when they shouldn’t. Only ride when frozen!
Rode Chukar and Peggy’s today – all good.
Just ran the loop Currant Creek (West) Currant Creek (East) Currant Creek (Extension) up to junction at the green gate on Chukar Butte then back down Chukar Butte to Bitterbrush then to the south side of Lookup Loop and down Connector back to Currant Creek (West). Other than three short muddy spots on Bitterbrush near the Lookout Loop junction everything is nice and dry after Sunday’s snow.
Rode at noon and it was a bog. Several sections 25-50 yards long that were unrideable. Sticky mud that gums up your drive train and kicks off your chain. If it doesn’t freeze over night, give it a few days of wind and warmth to get it cleaned up.
Just ran Currant Creek W, Currant Creek E, Currant Creek extension to Chukar Butte to Frog Ponds and back to Cartwright Rd then Bitterbrush to Lookout Loop and back down to Currant Creek. Hard and frozen with start before 8 AM but N facing stuff melting and starting to turn to mud before 10 AM. Stay off of the N facing stuff if you are not out early tomorrow, it’s too late today.
Great ride Sunday, Feb 11. Little to no wetness. Thanks for doing the fix last year near the junction of Sweet Connie and Chukar Butte).
Rode it yesterday afternoon and there was only 1 soft spot and it was no big deal – just ride through the middle of it
Just ran it from Cartwright almost to the frog ponds, some pretty wet spots that can be traveled without trail damage if you are careful.
Went out to see just how high I could get before running into muddy conditions and turning back. Was very surprised to find great conditions all the way to the intersection with Sweet Connie. A few soft, tacky spots here and there but nothing to turn folks around. The big valley at the intersection was relatively dry as well.
Lots of water on Chukar right now, especially the east half. Stay away unless things are good and frozen.